CPD For Professionals in The Safeguarding Industry
All about CPD For People Working In The Safeguarding Industry
Continuing Professional Development(CPD) is crucial for those involved in Safeguarding. Safeguarding, by its very nature, is a dynamic field that requires professionals to be constantly updated with changes in legislation, best practices, and emerging risks. CPD ensures that safeguarding leads and professionals are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills to provide the highest level of protection for vulnerable individuals.
The role of safeguarding professionals is multifaceted, encompassing areas such as risk assessment, child protection, information sharing, and more. CPD sessions help these professionals stay current with changes to legislation or guidance, ensuring they are equipped to respond to new and emerging risks and challenges. This continuous learning is essential for maintaining and enhancing knowledge, skills, and confidence, and for improving the effectiveness of their safeguarding work.
Furthermore, participating in CPD demonstrates a safeguarding professional's commitment to their role and their dedication to continuous learning. This not only builds trust and confidence among colleagues, partners, and stakeholders but also ensures that their organization or educational setting adheres to best practices in safeguarding.
For professionals in the Safeguarding industry, CPD is an essential tool for staying updated and enhancing their skill set. It ensures they remain at the forefront of their field, providing the best protection for vulnerable individuals and upholding the highest standards in safeguarding practices.
The CPD Requirements
From The Professional Bodies, Associations, and Institutes for Practitioners in the Safeguarding Industry

The Institute of CPD
As a pan-industry organisation, The Institute of CPD is open to professionals across all fields, and a home to those dedicated to demonstrating professional excellence. Depending on their membership level, a member of the Institute will commit to 10 or 30 hours of CPD per year.
Some of Our CPD Accredited Safeguarding Training Providers
Sell more training and enhance your reputation by joining the world-leading CPD Standards Office.
Become a market leader in the Safeguarding industry by gaining a badge of quality to your training offering.